(Sports News) Metta World Peace Elbows James Harden On The Face

Monday, April 23, 2012

Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest was ejected out of the game with less than two minutes remaining before half time for allegedly hitting possible sixth man of the year, James Harden.

Metta World Peace did an amazing dunk which can possibly bolster his reputation upward. Formerly known as Ron Artest, he changed his name to Metta World Peace before the season started as a sign that he is changing his rough attitude both inside and outside the court. Sadly, the incident that happened on the latest game between the Lakers and the Thunder can possibly destroy the new image that he is trying to show to NBA fans and players alike. 

Metta World Peace is celebrating after he dunked the ball to give the Lakers within 1 point of the Thunder. He pounded his fist showing superiority as he tried to go back to defensive position. On the other hand, James Harden is preparing for their offense. The two bumped into each other and that's when Metta World Peace gave James Harden a strong elbow on Harden's face which caused the Thunder player to immediately go down on the floor.

Metta World Peace gave a response after saying that he did not voluntarily elbowed James Harden on the face and that it was all an accident. 

This issue may affect the playoff run of the Lakers and the Thunder will surely make Metta World Peace pay.

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